Saturday, November 14, 2009


LOL......What a raining day! So sad! Just finish my steamboat dinner with parents. WOOHOOO~ SO comfortable and warm after having STEAMBOAT! xD    I went saloon with mum for treatment. FIRST TIME mama let me to go for hair treatment! SO HAPPY!!!!!  But, Mum said there were no diffence after I do the treatment.=.=

 Any different? >.<

NO meh?
Look more soft and straight lerr....=[


 Then, I went back home and slept again, when I woke up.....MY HAIR became MESSY! AA~~~~~~~
Saw Manda's msg, hmmm.....She's so teruk! Scare this scare that. That guy also stupid, since you are the one who 一脚踏两船, u should be responsible on MANDA. 不是拍拍屁股就可以解决的事,混蛋!你怎么跟 “他” 一样!  Manda always scolded me that dont know how to settle my problems but seems like she's more teruk than me. Confused on everything! Especially the BROTHER......DENG!  Yin also the same, becareful la girl~ Finally, JEDD-MEN is safe. @_@

The steamboat shop was so many people. Is nice to have a steamboat for dinner when is raining. ^^    SO LUCKY, we got a place. Sat down and ate.....sorry, I didnt snap down the situation cause my phone was in the car. AIYA, conclusion is.....VERY NICE! xDxD!!!!!   I was totally wet when I reached home. THAT BABY la!!!!! Giving me trouble! @_@........

 She stepped on me.
I'm gonna whack HER!


 She's so busy. =]

OH YA!!!!
I had told my mum about HIM, who did something bad in the class. I told her everything and every parts of him on how he treated me. mum was angry on him and really show the face of "BOSONG". She still grambling on HIM! Actually, I was felt like wanna tell teacher, but mum told me not to do that. WHY? Since my mum also not really like him since last time. What he do on the first time that meet my mum was not having a good image till now. Nevermind, is ok.....Try control myself not to bother on him. Even he's going out with 2S. I knew I'm not very good in everything and not suppose to say like this. I really cannot tahan his BAD attitude! 

Saying sorry to me and apologize, can make me to forget everything? Dont you think you are so selfish? That is not a joke for sending me marks. Now only you tell me about U know I dont like to compare marks? HAR? I thought U are suppose to be understand me from last year. LOL.....your acting of innocent make me feel like vomit!  U wanna send that msg to me but I didnt reply ur msg. Luckily I didnt reply your msg, if not......U will be very LCLY. And your friend too, which always say MYVI MYVI, dislike on his words. Everytime when teacher gave us back those papers, U two took those papers and have a view first only gave us back as to be 好心. Cheee, actually just wanna see marks only mar. Everyday talk about yellow stuff, really so nice meh? Make me feel like you are really hamsap and  很变态.     Only yellow stuff can make you guys SO HIGH! I knew that was your favourite, but.......dont you think is too OVER?!   And U still talk to a girl with this topic?  Can you please think everything before you starts doing? Please.....I beg you~


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