Today is the last day of 2009. Year 2010 is coming~ Time really past fast! Especially when we are enjoying! What should I say about 2009? Hmmm, it gaves me lot of sadness and of course happiness too! Well, lets talk a bout how I spend my day before year 2010 coming! =]
29/12/09 TUESDAY
Went for a test with Yen Teng today. Tyng went out with Aunty Lesley! Aunty wanna buy bags for her!!! WTH~ what about me? That driver picked me at 10.30am. I reached the place 11.30am and is just near by my house nia. DENG! He went so far to fetch those students!!!!! wasting my time!!! T.T Waited there from 11.30am till 3pm only I went in to sit for my exams. Between, chatted with YEN TENG and didnt read my books. hours sitting inside but.......I FAILED at last. 5 more marks to pass!!!! Gonna sit for this exams one more time this saturday again with RM50. @_@ ....GOD! U better KILL me! U_U
Reached home about 4.30pm, I was so sad! Suppose to be watching Alvin and The Chipmunks 2 in KLCC but....NO MOOD!!!! I'm gonna cry!!!! Tyng came back with many packs stuff! Shaking infront of me~ WASAI~ My anger can burn the whole house! T.T
Dinner time, dad brought us to RAKUZEN for dinner again. Tyng requested for RAKUZEN! We enjoyed the meal at there! Love the salmon so much!!!! ^^ At night, we still went carefour for shopping. Tyng brought many clothes!!! ALAMAK~ of course la....she's not paying the bills~ >.<
My salmon and egg....I forgot the name dy...=.=
Me and tyng's set.
LAME smile~ =.=
Pregnant fish!
Mum's set.
Everyone's eating~
全家福~ =]
Me and DAD~ ^^
Mummy and baby! =]
三女人~ xD
Me and mummy! XD
Rakuzen again....
Tyng ans Me.
30/12/09 WEDNESDAY
Brought my cousins to pro1 with my brothers today. We went for temple and prayed. Had Roti Canai for breakfast and drove car to PRO1. LOLz......Quite nice and fun! We have a warm up before we start. Then, Chee Hong, Yet Feng, Me and cousin. Me and Chee Hong VS Yet Feng and My cousin. LOL!!! we WON!!!!! Yet Feng belanja makan MEE GORENG!!! hahaha~ Yau Hong came and joined us but we losed! T.T Anyway, I enjoyed! =]
Tyng was drinking water. RESTING~
SEXY Chee HONE! haha!
After having lunch with them at the mamak stall, Me and Tyng went back home for bath. We were so rush and then walked out again. Brought her to P.SENI Popular with Y.Feng. Unfortunately, Books dropped from cupboard and hurt me. There was a scar on my face right now. =[ What I angry was, Tyng didnt come and ask for anything. Just standing there and laughed!!!! WTF! izit so happy to see me like this? Somemore that YF with his silly smile! SUCKS! The blood was still bleeding and no one help me!
At last, YF found me. but my anger was still there! took one hour to chat with him in popular. GOSH! So unhappy on that day!!!! At night, Mum went out to DAPAU dinner. Me and Tyng were very tired! Cant go out for dinner dy. Aunty camr my house after dinner, chatting with her till 1am. Tyng's actions was so weird! @_@.......Everyone laughing and playing with baby! xD
Tyng and baby!
she's happy because my mum sponser her to do hair treatment.
Baby 发脾气~@_@
Staring on what?
Our 自恋照~

My....pale face~
Tyng weird face. xD
Same clothes~ ^^
She's tall....=.=
Nice clothes?
Cousins. =]
She's playing phone.
My specs....
Like grandma....=.=
Same "C".
Same shirts.
Look at baby!!!! ^^
Damn TYNG kacau!
LOL....her silly face!
I like this pic....
nice! ^^
31/12/09 THURSDAY
Woke up at 2pm!!!!!!!!!!! SO sleepy cause I was not feeling well. Tyng is going back home today! So, I made her sausages with bacon. UGGHHHH!!!!!!! I was so regret that didnt learn any cooking classes with mum! =.=.....Our sausages accidently SCORCH! Sorry~ T.T The sausages were like rubber when we ate. YUCK! We tried to make the bacon nicely still like rubber after that too! T.T I knew Tyng were so dissapointed on me! =[ Sorry......
Sorry.....ugly sausages~ >.<
Bacon looked like MEE?
Went dinner with parents, STEAMBOAT! again? GOSH!!!! I also dont know need to eat how many times in a week!!!! We ate till 11.45pm, everyone were busying sms with friends to wish them HAPPY NEW YEAR! Of course I'm not the exception, I'm gonna broke again that sending those sms to friends~ >.< Dad brought us to TITIWANGSA to watch the fireworks from Dataran Merdeka! 12am!!!!! DANG! DANG! DANG! DANG! Times up! Dad haven find a place to park his car! I stood on dad's car and watch the fireworks! So many people at titiwangsa and jam!!! Dad car's roof can see more clearly!!!! ^_^
Playing my phone~
My egg! =]
Titiwangsa view~
Viewed from dad car's ROOF.
Ok lar.....but small~ =.=
See.....very jam at titiwangsa~ @_@
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
Have a nice day! =]
BYE! 2009~