Dear friend, I'm gonna post on my life in JULY. Its kinda interesting for me. =]
30 JUNE 2010.
The last day of practicing gymrama. MSSWP coming! We were so excited! We kept practiced for the last day. but it seems like....doesn't look good. My leg muscle was DAMN PAIN and I cant straight my leg. I went PBSM to take medicine. They sprayed something on my leg, but it cannot last long. T.T I didnt do well in the practice. I was exhausted, I was tired, I was.....totally down. Had a cold war with him in the school. One hour silent. I'm so............Anyway, we finished our practice at 3.15pm and I went back home.
TADA!!!!!!!! I went to fetch WYT at lrt after my gym practice. She came to my house for baking CHEESE CAKE! We were really funny and happy! We did 2 cheese cake. ONE can eat, ONE cannot eat. We ate the "CANNOT EAT CHEESE CAKE". IT looked SUCKS! OMG.....the =.=
I did some cake for my friends, I hope they will like it. Is so sorry that the cake doesn't look good. >.<
Buying stuff....
LONG legs.=.=
messy kitchen.
she's mixing....
me. =D
cheese cake? =.=
This one nice.....=]
we cant finsihed and threw it.
1 JULY 2010.
WOOHOO! I woke up very very very early this morning. 5am!!!!! To packed up the cake and put into the tupperwear. Somemore I need to tie my BUN and make up. Aiks.......many things to do. I cant find my pin you know?! But finally I tied my hair la. =] I cant sleep well in that night. Maybe nervous? =[ I reached school very early today, I tought they will arrive early like last year, 6.30am. =.= Anyway, I met my brother and chatted with him untill school bells ring. I appreciated he came to accomapany me. Thanks. =]
just ignore.
On the way to SALAK SOUTH, we were so high! I was singing songs! Somemore BONAMANA!!!! ^^ Everyone was busying warming up, changing the leotard, making up and I was just sitting there. turn was in the afternoon la....=] Aiya, I just summaried la.....In the afternoon, my leg suddenly cramped and there were no PBSM or St.JOHN. I just put on the medicine and sprayed on my leg. The first time I sacrifices so much. I stand for the pain and went for competition. The lamp dropped from upstairs when we were having the competition, five of us were standing there. Luckily didnt hurt anyone! IT was a scary experience! The competition stopped and there were some staff went to clean the carpet and vacuum. We were so scare.......and really no mood to comtinue the competition.
Yee Chen.=]
They are PRO!
little kiddy.
warming up.
I just finished make up.
like ghost.....=.=
me and poi wei.
under 15.
just part of it.....XD

under 18.
under 18 with teacher.
what the.....=.=
me and li shan.
WTH.....I lose dy!!!!!
My leg cant pull up.....=.=
U scroll down la.....
This is called PRO!!
But.....when I was young la...
2008 MSSMKL.
she kissed me. XD
on the way back.
oh gosh....
after I reach home.
the last year for me. =]
2 JULY 2010.
Today was Pn.Ng's fairwell. She cried....we were sad too. BECAUSE of the POLITICS and she need to leaved the school. Every ADUTLS was like 假情假意to fairwell her and some of them still envy!!!! WT.... so old dy, jealous what la! Me and Ern Ching went up the stage and gave her presents. Manda and ManYing sang song for her. She kept on crying until her sound changed. T.T Girls went to the top floor to throw the balloons from the top. We were actually AIMING those HANTU! but cannot leh! We were so happy at there while waiting to throw the balloon. =]
sang song.
Vincent_Ern CHing_Me.
taking photos with
hanging around. XD many ppl in morning sections.
photos with teacher.
I scratched my hand. T.T
Manda's neutralisation.
Teck Keong's bubble...=.=
big big BUBBLE!!!!!!!
Vincent did this.
For teacher. =]
Okay, that was just part of it. THE main part on today was....I was sad! x1000000!!!!! I saw my results in the class and my heart broke. I SHOCKED!!!!!!! how am I gonna tell my mum? She's gonna kill me! T.T I was so worried and scare. I was so moody.....I almost cry for that. =[ I went back home early after school, just went for the AGM awhile. I wanna calm down myself. I did a choacalate cake for manda's birthday. I used few hours to finished it. I did myself!!!!! but cannot eat de, taste like shit too.....=[
19 eggs.....=.=
2 bras of chocalate.
another shape.
I finished the chocalate.
nice right? >.<
Cards for darling.
3 JULY 2010.
Day of the report card and carnival.....I'm getting crazy! There were no parking early in the morming. FULL! Well, I parked behind the school....=[...THE STUPID ADUTLS wanted us to line up in the field and still drizzling!!!!! Many students used umbrella la of course! ALL ADULTS siao siao de.......=.= Today was amanda's birthday too! WISHED her happy birthday! =] I enjoyed the carnival with my buddies la. Walking around and kept eating....XD! Some stall were nice and tasty but some....over cooked! >.< Chatted with YF for awhile when he's not busying with his stall. I love it......LOL....=)
shot 1.
shot 2.
shot3 with the birthday girl =.=
banyak orang o!
Me and Manda's FRIED Ice cream...
SO GAN JEONG!!!!! My mum came.......I brought my sis to walk around my school. Introduce her to my friends. LOL.......kinda popular.^^ I bought mee for her to eat in the class. Mum went to took report card. OMG~ help me! T.T......Luckily she didnt scold me infront of my friends, just say something that can easily hurt me. Mum and sis went back home. I was waiting the lucky draw with YF and MANDA. So unluckily that I forgot to tear off. Quite happy while waiting for that too. =]
my sis.
Manda took pic with her.
I love this!
She's so cute and chubby!!!! =D
waiting for lucky draw....
this guy is so funny. =]
Went for tuition with YF after school. A Tuan tough us about the 命理。Quite interesting and he can say out my unhappiness. Accurate! I hope I will not redo my fault. I will change it! Thanks, teacher!
6 JULY 2010.
A special day for me. I tried to veil and to conceal my unhappiness. I laughed as loud as I can. I do as much as I can. I eat as much as I can. finally, in the midnight, I cried as loud as I can. My eyes were swelling.
7 JULY 2010.
Reached school very early today. I didnt drive to school and still brought phone to school tim! ^^ Luckily my friend came early to school to accomapany me too. My eyes were still swelling, cant u discover? I enjoyed my morning, my recess time and after school with you. Really mean SO MUCH to me. HEAVY RAIN after school leh~ I cant walk out to the bus stop and so, my mum drove in to school to fetch me. Went KLCC with mama....DO FACIAL. =] So relax nice!!! ^^ MUM bought roti boy and a lot of cheese cake for me! YEAH! ^^
In the car.
I changed my clothes after facial.
mum's VISA.
leng leh? =D
my clean start......>.<
Went out with YH, SX, LL, Manda today after school. LOL....just went for lunch together. =] 5 of 4 ppl is really 38 de. XD When we cross the road, me and YH really gonna die at there. Luckily.....T.T Really dangerous la!!!!! T.T We were talking about JOSHUA and SIMON at there. XD
10 JULY 2010.
Morning morning!!!! Went titiwangsa with mum and cousins this morning. So nice! But my record was not good la...everyone run faster than me. T.T..... My leg so pain after running lehhh!!!!!! Then we went for breakfast. Crispy roti canai! I love you!!! ^^ I supposed to be sleeping after I reached home. who knows? I did housework sampai nak mati....=[ I lied on the bed but I couldn't sleep. WHY? should ask someone ba. I mind for everything, dont you know?
I'm not happy, I wanna cry. Then, MAMA brought me to JJ for shopping! I love shopping! =D We bought a lot of stufff!!!! ^^ Four pairs of VINCCI shoes, two shirts, a dress, a pants and a bag!!!! YEAPPIIII~ =]
he is so handsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naughty sis.
I'm a shopaholic..>.<
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